Re-Establishing Practices

hands holding coffee cups across tabletop

Dear Saints of Grace:

As we seem to be emerging from a Covid-dominated world to a more “normal” world, I look forward to re-establishing practices that had fallen by the wayside because of various health precautions. Larger fellowship—think Sunday Coffee Hour—and smaller group activities help us to grow together.

In February, we will have two significant occasions: the Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, February 5, shortly after worship; and our Ash Wednesday services on February 22. I hope that each of those events—very different from each other—will help us experience the refreshment of living in God’s amazing grace.

At the Congregational Meeting we will have the opportunity to review all the various ministries of Grace over the past year. It’s also a time to rally around a common vision of what our ministry needs to be in the years ahead. I am grateful to council members who are stepping down. And grateful to members who said yes when asked by our Nominating Committee to serve in a leadership role at Grace.

At our two Ash Wednesday services, you will have an opportunity to reflect deeply on your sins, all those times when you failed to do “the next right thing” as some of my friends phrase it. Why focus on our shortcomings? To make new resolutions. To begin a good discipline, like prayer or meditation. Or just mindful breathing. Lent is a great time to give something up. It’s also a good time to add a new habit, if even just for the forty days of Lent. This year we will have a 1:00pm Spoken Ash Wednesday Liturgy with (optional) imposition of Ashes. The Service will be preceded by a potluck luncheon in Charter Hall beginning at 11:30am. Everyone is welcome, even if you don’t have a dish to share. In the evening, at 7:00, we will gather in person and by Zoom for the sung Ash Wednesday Liturgy. Following that service, there will be refreshments in the Parlor and Atrium. All are welcome.

[Scheduling Note: The Third Thursday Fellowship Group will be moved from February 16 to Ash Wednesday, February 22. See above.]

Two very different events, Congregational Meeting and Ash Wednesday. The first raises the question what will Grace do in the coming year to show God’s grace? Ash Wednesday challenges us individually to be intentional about doing our part in sharing God’s abundant grace. Us only works when it’s made up of a whole lot of I’s.

In the love, joy, peace and hope of Jesus,

Pastor Daniel Schwick


Lenten Journey


Starting anew. Again!